Pias sommarbilder
(Summer pictures)
Sida/Page 24
Fre 9 juni 2006
(Fri 9th of June 2006)

Gåsen och fågelbadet har blivit
inramade av smultronplantor
(The bird bath and the goose have got
companied by several wild strawberrie plants)

Lilla Aronia-busken blommar bak gåsen
(Aronia mel. Hugin)
(The little Aronia bush is blooming
behind the goose)

Häcken av
bukettspirea blommar
(Spiraéa vanhóuttei)
(Our hedge of Spiraéa is also blooming in white)

vita syrenen också.
(and the
white lilac too)

flesta penséerna blommar ännu
(Most of the
pansies on and at the stair)

En blå
katt passar en annan pensékruka
(A blue
cat is watching over some other pansies)

växer på bra ibland odla.nu-lökarna
De största
här är dahlior.
(It's growing real fast in one pot with
bulbs from odla.nu. Here are dahlias) |
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Sidan utlagd 2006-07-19
(On the net 2006-07-19)
and photo
Pias Grafik 2006